This contest recognizes a young SFBBM member each month, who is the first (co-first) author of a scientific article, after selection by a committee of SFBBM experts.

Bouchra was a PhD student (2018-2022) and then a Postdoc (2023) under the supervision of Latifa Elantak. Her PhD work focused on determining the structural basis regulating bacterial motility, known as adventurous motility. Her results have been published in Science Advances:

A molecular switch controls assembly of bacterial focal adhesions 

Attia B, My L, Castaing JP, Dinet C, Le Guenno H, Schmidt V, Espinosa L, Anantharaman V, Aravind L, Sebban-Kreuzer C, Nouailler M, Bornet O, Viollier P, Elantak L*, Mignot T*.
 Science Advances, 2024 May 31, DOI : 10.1126/sciadv.adn2789

1Bouchra Attia is now a Postdoctoral associate at the Birbeck College (London, UK) in the lab of Pr Carolyn Moores.

Published on 23/07/2024

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