Research group: Assembly of bacterial multi-protein complexes

Phone: +33 (0)4 91 16 44 63

Room: B207



Type 1 fimbriae-mediated collective protection against type 6 secretion system attacks

Margot Marie Dessartine, Artemis Kosta, Thierry Doan, Éric Cascales, Jean-Philippe Côté

mBio e0255323 (2024)10.1128/mbio.02553-23


Pseudomonas fluorescens MFE01 delivers a putative type VI secretion amidase that confers biocontrol against the soft‐rot pathogen Pectobacterium atrosepticum

Yvann Bourigault, Charly A Dupont, Jonas B Desjardins, Thierry Doan, Mathilde Bouteiller, Hugo Le Guenno, Sylvie Chevalier, Corinne Barbey, Xavier Latour, Eric Cascales, Annabelle Merieau

Environmental Microbiology (2023)10.1111/1462-2920.16492

The morphogenic protein CopD controls the spatio-temporal dynamics of PBP1a and PBP2b in Streptococcus pneumoniae

Cassandra Lenoir, Anaïs Pelletier, Sylvie Manuse, Hugo Millat, Adrien Ducret, Anne Galinier, Thierry Doan, Christophe Grangeasse

mBio (2023)10.1128/mbio.01411-23

A journey with type IX secretion system effectors: selection, transport, processing and activities

Maëlle Paillat, Ignacio Lunar Silva, Eric Cascales, Thierry Doan

Microbiology 169 (2023)10.1099/mic.0.001320


Protein Interactome Analysis of the Type IX Secretion System Identifies PorW as the Missing Link between the PorK/N Ring Complex and the Sov Translocon

Dhana Gorasia, Ignacio Lunar Silva, Catherine Butler, Maïalène Chabalier, Thierry Doan, Eric Cascales, Paul Veith, Eric Reynolds

Microbiology Spectrum e0160221 (2022)10.1128/spectrum.01602-21

Membrane fission during bacterial spore development requires cellular inflation driven by DNA translocation

Ane Landajuela, Martha Braun, Alejandro Martínez-Calvo, Christopher D.A. Rodrigues, Carolina Gomis Perez, Thierry Doan, David Rudner, Ned Wingreen, Erdem Karatekin

Current Biology 32:4186-4200.e8 (2022)10.1016/j.cub.2022.08.014

A Unique Bacterial Secretion Machinery with Multiple Secretion Centers

Liqiang Song, John Perpich, Chenggang Wu, Thierry Doan, Zuzanna Nowakowska, Jan Potempa, Peter Christie, E. Cascales, Richard Lamont, Bo Hu

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (2022)10.1073/pnas.2119907119

The Antibacterial Type VII Secretion System of Bacillus subtilis: Structure and Interactions of the Pseudokinase YukC/EssB

Matteo Tassinari, Thierry Doan, Marco Bellinzoni, Maïalene Chabalier, Mathilde Ben-Assaya, Mariano Martinez, Quentin Gaday, Pedro Alzari, Eric Cascales, Rémi Fronzes, Francesca Gubellini

mBio e0013422 (2022)10.1128/mbio.00134-22

Dynamic proton-dependent motors power type IX secretion and gliding motility in Flavobacterium

Maxence Vincent, Caterina Comas Hervada, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer, Hugo Le Guenno, Maïalène Chabalier, Artemis Kosta, Françoise Guerlesquin, Tâm Mignot, Mark Mcbride, Thierry Doan, E. Cascales

PLoS Biology 20:e3001443 (2022)10.1371/journal.pbio.3001443


Characterization of TseB: A new actor in cell wall elongation in Bacillus subtilis

Jordan Delisle, Baptiste Cordier, Stéphane Audebert, Matthieu Pophillat, Caroline Cluzel, Leon Espinosa, Christophe Grangeasse, Anne Galinier, Thierry Doan

Molecular Microbiology (2021)10.1111/mmi.14798

FisB relies on homo-oligomerization and lipid binding to catalyze membrane fission in bacteria

Ane Landajuela, Martha Braun, Christopher Rodrigues, Alejandro Martínez-Calvo, Thierry Doan, Florian Horenkamp, Anna Andronicos, Vladimir Shteyn, Nathan Williams, Chenxiang Lin, Ned Wingreen, David Rudner, Erdem Karatekin

PLoS Biology 19:e3001314 (2021)10.1371/journal.pbio.3001314


Rhomboid intramembrane protease YqgP licenses bacterial membrane protein quality control as adaptor of FtsH AAA protease

Jakub Began, Baptiste Cordier, Jana Březinová, Jordan Delisle, Rozálie Hexnerová, Pavel Srb, Petra Rampírová, Milan Kožíšek, Mathieu Baudet, Yohann Coute, Anne Galinier, Václav Veverka, Thierry Doan, Kvido Strisovsky

EMBO Journal (2020)10.15252/embj.2019102935


Cell width dictates Type VI secretion tail length

Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Current Biology (2019)10.1016/j.cub.2019.08.058

Role and recruitment of the TagL peptidoglycan-binding protein during Type VI secretion system biogenesis

Yoann G Santin, Claire Camy, Abdelrahim Zoued, Thierry Doan, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, E. Cascales

Journal of Bacteriology (2019)10.1128/JB.00173-19


The cell wall hydrolase Pmp23 is important for assembly and stability of the division ring in Streptococcus pneumoniae

Maxime Jacq, Christopher Arthaud, Sylvie Manuse, Chryslène Mercy, Laure Bellard, Katharina Peters, Benoit Gallet, Jennifer Galindo, Thierry Doan, Waldemar Vollmer, Yves Brun, Michael Vannieuwenhze, Anne-Marie Di Guilmi, Thierry Vernet, Christophe Grangeasse, Cécile Morlot

Scientific Reports 8 (2018)10.1038/s41598-018-25882-y

In vivo TssA proximity labeling reveals temporal interactions during Type VI secretion 1 biogenesis and TagA, a protein that stops and holds the sheath.

Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Régine Lebrun, Leon Espinosa, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Nature Microbiology 3:1304-1313 (2018)10.1038/s41564-018-0234-3


Postnatal maturation of mouse medullo-spinal cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons

Adeline Orts-Del’immagine, Jérôme Trouslard, Coraline Airault, Jean-Philippe Hugnot, Baptiste Cordier, Thierry Doan, Anne Kastner, Nicolas Wanaverbecq

Neuroscience 343:39-54 (2017)10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.11.028


Adeline Orts-del 'Immagine, Jerome Trouslard, Coraline Airault, Jean-Philippe Hugnot, Baptiste Cordier, Thierry Doan, Anne Kastner, Nicolas Wanaverbecq

Neuroscience 343:39-54 (2017)10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.11.028


FisB mediates membrane fission during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis

Thierry Doan, J. Coleman, K. Marquis, A. Meeske, B. Burton, E. Karatekin, D. Rudner

Genes and Development 27:322-334 (2013)10.1101/gad.209049.112

Recruitment, Assembly, and Molecular Architecture of the SpoIIIE DNA Pump Revealed by Superresolution Microscopy

Jean-Bernard Fiche, Diego Cattoni, Nele Diekmann, Julio Mateos Langerak, Caroline Clerte, Catherine Royer, Emmanuel Margeat, Thierry Doan, Marcelo Nollmann

PLoS Biology 11:e1001557 (2013)10.1371/journal.pbio.1001557


Strategies to adapt cellular processes to nutrient availability in bacteria.

Elodie Foulquier, Thierry Doan, Frederique Pompeo, Anne Galinier

Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar edition) 4:1007-16 (2012)


Novel Secretion Apparatus Maintains Spore Integrity and Developmental Gene Expression in Bacillus subtilis

Thierry Doan, Cecile Morlot, Jeffrey Meisner, Monica Serrano, Adriano Henriques, Charles Moran, David Rudner

PLoS Genetics 5:e1000566 (2009)10.1371/journal.pgen.1000566


A phospho-sugar binding domain homologous to NagB enzymes regulates the activity of the central glycolytic genes repressor.

Thierry Doan, Laetitia Martin, Silvia Zorrilla, Denis Chaix, Stéphane Aymerich, Gilles Labesse, Nathalie Declerck

Proteins - Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 71:2038-50 (2008)10.1002/prot.21883

CcpN controls central carbon fluxes in Bacillus subtilis.

Simon Tännler, Eliane Fischer, Dominique Le Coq, Thierry Doan, Emmanuel Jamet, Uwe Sauer, Stéphane Aymerich

Journal of Bacteriology 190:epub ahead of print (2008)10.1128/JB.00552-08


Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate acts both as an inducer and as a structural cofactor of the central glycolytic genes repressor (CggR).

Silvia Zorrilla, Denis Chaix, Alvaro Ortega, Carlos Alfonso, Thierry Doan, Emmanuel Margeat, Germán Rivas, Stephan Aymerich, Nathalie Declerck, Catherine A Royer

Biochemistry 46:14996-5008 (2007)10.1021/bi701805e

Inducer-modulated cooperative binding of the tetrameric CggR repressor to operator DNA.

Silvia Zorrilla, Thierry Doan, Carlos Alfonso, Emmanuel Margeat, Alvaro Ortega, Germán Rivas, Stéphane Aymerich, Catherine A Royer, Nathalie Declerck

Biophysical Journal 92:3215-27 (2007)10.1529/biophysj.106.095109


YtsJ has the major physiological role of the four paralogous malic enzyme isoforms in Bacillus subtilis.

Guillaume Lerondel, Thierry Doan, Nicola Zamboni, Uwe Sauer, Stéphane Aymerich

Journal of Bacteriology 188:4727-36 (2006)10.1128/JB.00167-06

Imaging peptidoglycan biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis with fluorescent antibiotics

K. Tiyanont, Thierry Doan, M. Lazarus, X. Fang, D. Rudner, S. Walker

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:11033-11038 (2006)10.1073/pnas.0600829103



The Bacillus subtilis ywkA gene encodes a malic enzyme and its transcription is activated by the YufL/YufM two-component system in response to malate

Thierry Doan, Pascale Servant, Shigeo Tojo, Hirotake Yamaguchi, Guillaume Lerondel, Ken-Ichi Yoshida, Yasutaro Fujita, Stéphane Aymerich

Microbiology 149:2331-2343 (2003)10.1099/mic.0.26256-0

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31 Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille cedex 20, France