Research group: Assembly of bacterial multi-protein complexes

Phone: +33 (0)4 91 16 44 62

Room: B211



The type VI secretion system of Stenotrophomonas rhizophila CFBP13503 limits the transmission of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris 8004 from radish seeds to seedlings

Tiffany Garin, Chrystelle Brin, Anne Préveaux, Agathe Brault, Martial Briand, Marie Simonin, Matthieu Barret, Laure Journet, Alain Sarniguet

Molecular Plant Pathology 25:e13412 (2024)10.1111/mpp.13412


The tip protein PAAR is required for the function of the type VI secretion system

Solène G Beauvois, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Marianne Ilbert, Marie Boyer, Esther Gavello-Fernandez, Rémi Fronzes, Dukas Jurėnas, Laure Journet

Microbiology Spectrum (2023)10.1128/spectrum.01478-23

Activity and Crystal Structure of the Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli Tle3/Tli3 T6SS Effector/Immunity Complex Determined Using an AlphaFold2 Predicted Model

Thi Thu Hang Le, Christine Kellenberger, Marie Boyer, Pierre Santucci, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Eric Cascales, Alain Roussel, Stéphane Canaan, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24:1740 (2023)10.3390/ijms24021740


Activity, delivery and diversity of Type VI secretion effectors

Dukas Jurėnas, Laure Journet

Molecular Microbiology 115:383-394 (2021)10.1111/mmi.14648


Structural basis for loading and inhibition of a bacterial T6 SS phospholipase effector by the VgrG spike

Nicolas Flaugnatti, Chiara Rapisarda, Martial Rey, Solène G Beauvois, Viet Anh Nguyen, Stéphane Canaan, Eric Durand, Julia Chamot‐rooke, E. Cascales, Rémi Fronzes, Laure Journet

EMBO Journal 39:e104129 (2020)10.15252/embj.2019104129


Structure and Activity of the Type VI Secretion System

Yassine Cherrak, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Eric Durand, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Microbiology Spectrum 7 (2019)10.1128/microbiolspec.PSIB-0031-2019

Cell width dictates Type VI secretion tail length

Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Current Biology (2019)10.1016/j.cub.2019.08.058


The gp27-like Hub of VgrG Serves as Adaptor to Promote Hcp Tube Assembly

Melvin G Renault, Jordi Zamarreño Beas, Badreddine Douzi, Maïalène Chabalier, Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick R Brunet, Christian Cambillau, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Journal of Molecular Biology 430:3143-3156 (2018)10.1016/j.jmb.2018.07.018

In vivo TssA proximity labeling reveals temporal interactions during Type VI secretion 1 biogenesis and TagA, a protein that stops and holds the sheath.

Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Régine Lebrun, Leon Espinosa, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Nature Microbiology 3:1304-1313 (2018)10.1038/s41564-018-0234-3

Tryptophan-mediated Dimerization of the TssL Transmembrane Anchor Is Required for Type VI Secretion System Activity

Abdelrahim Zoued, Jean-Pierre Duneau, Eric Durand, Alexandre España, Laure Journet, Françoise Guerlesquin, E. Cascales

Journal of Molecular Biology 430:987-1003 (2018)10.1016/j.jmb.2018.02.008


TssA: The cap protein of the Type VI secretion system tail

Abdelrahim Zoued, Eric Durand, Yoann G Santin, Laure Journet, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales

BioEssays 39 (2017)10.1002/bies.201600262


Structure and specificity of the Type VI secretion system ClpV-TssC interaction in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

Badreddine Douzi, Yannick R Brunet, Silvia Spinelli, Valentine Lensi, Stephanie Blangy, Anant Kumar, Laure Journet, Pierre Legrand, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau

Scientific Reports 6 (2016)10.1038/srep34405

A phospholipase A 1 antibacterial Type VI secretion effector interacts directly with the C-terminal domain of the VgrG spike protein for delivery

Nicolas Flaugnatti, Thi Thu Hang Le, Stéphane Canaan, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Vân Nguyên, Stephanie Blangy, Christine Kellenberger, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet

Molecular Microbiology 99:1099-1118 (2016)10.1111/mmi.13292

Salmonella Typhimurium utilizes a T6SS-mediated antibacterial weapon to establish in the host gut

Thibault G Sana, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Kyler A Lugo, Lilian H Lam, Amanda Jacobson, Virginie Baylot, Eric Durand, Laure Journet, E. Cascales, Denise M Monack

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113:E5044-E5051 (2016)10.1073/pnas.1608858113

Priming and polymerization of a bacterial contractile tail structure. 1" 2" 17

Abdelrahim Zoued, Eric Durand, Yannick R Brunet, Silvia Spinelli, Badreddine Douzi, Mathilde Guzzo, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Pierre Legrand, Laure Journet, Rémi Fronzes, Tam Mignot, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales

Nature 531:59-63 (2016)10.1038/nature17182

Structure–Function Analysis of the TssL Cytoplasmic Domain Reveals a New Interaction between the Type VI Secretion Baseplate and Membrane Complexes

Abdelrahim Zoued, Chloé J Cassaro, Eric Durand, Badreddine Douzi, Alexandre España, Christian Cambillau, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

Journal of Molecular Biology 428:4413-4423 (2016)10.1016/j.jmb.2016.08.030


VgrG, Tae, Tle, and beyond: the versatile arsenal of Type VI secretion effectors.

Eric Durand, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet

Trends Microbiol. 22:498-507 (2014)10.1016/j.tim.2014.06.004

VgrG, Tae, Tle, and beyond: the versatile arsenal of Type VI secretion effectors

Eric Durand, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet

Trends in Microbiology 22:498-507 (2014)10.1016/j.tim.2014.06.004

Architecture and assembly of the Type VI secretion system

Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick Brunet, Eric Durand, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Laureen Logger, Badreddine Douzi, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 1843:1664-1673 (2014)10.1016/j.bbamcr.2014.03.018

Architecture and assembly of the Type VI secretion system.

Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick R Brunet, Eric Durand, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Laureen Logger, Badreddine Douzi, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales

Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1843:1664-73 (2014)10.1016/j.bbamcr.2014.03.018


Dissection of the TssB-TssC Interface during Type VI Secretion Sheath Complex Formation

Xiang Y. Zhang, Yannick R Brunet, Laureen Logger, Badreddine Douzi, Christian Cambillau, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

PLoS ONE 8:e81074 (2013)10.1371/journal.pone.0081074

TssK Is a Trimeric Cytoplasmic Protein Interacting with Components of Both Phage-like and Membrane Anchoring Complexes of the Type VI Secretion System

Abdelrahim Zoued, Eric Durand, Cecilia C. Bebeacua, Yannick R Brunet, Badreddine Douzi, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet

Journal of Biological Chemistry 288:27031-27041 (2013)10.1074/jbc.M113.499772


The C‐tail anchored TssL subunit, an essential protein of the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Sci‐1 Type VI secretion system, is inserted by YidC

Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Abdelrahim Zoued, Roland Lloubès, Laure Journet, E. Cascales

MicrobiologyOpen 1:71-82 (2012)10.1002/mbo3.9

An ABC transporter with two periplasmic binding proteins involved in iron acquisition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Karl Brillet, Frank Ruffenach, Hendrik Adams, Laure Journet, Véronique Gasser, Françoise Hoegy, Laurent Guillon, Mélissa Hannauer, Adeline Page, Isabelle Schalk

ACS Chemical Biology 7:2036-2045 (2012)10.1021/cb300330v

Structural characterization and oligomerization of the TssL protein, a component shared by bacterial type VI and type IVb secretion systems.

Eric Durand, Abdelrahim Zoued, Silvia Spinelli, Paul J H Watson, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales

Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:14157-68 (2012)10.1074/jbc.M111.338731

The C-tail anchored TssL subunit, an essential protein of the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Sci-1 Type VI secretion system, is inserted by YidC.

Abdelrahim Zoued, Roland Lloubes, Laure Journet, E. Cascales, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen

MicrobiologyOpen 1:71-82 (2012)10.1002/mbo3.9



Synthesis of the siderophore pyoverdine in Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves a periplasmic maturation

Emilie Yeterian, Lois W. Martin, Laurent Guillon, Laure Journet, Iain L. Lamont, Isabelle Schalk

Amino Acids 38:1447-1459 (2010)10.1007/s00726-009-0358-0


A beta strand lock exchange for signal transduction in TonB-dependent transducers on the basis of a common structural motif.

David Cobessi, Hervé Célia, Franc Pattus, Laure Journet, Karl Brillet

Structure 11:1383-1391 (2007)10.1016/j.str.2007.08.013

Real time fluorescent resonance energy transfer visualization of ferric pyoverdine uptake in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A role for ferrous iron.

Jason Greenwald, Françoise Hoegy, Mirella Nader, Laure Journet, Gaëtan L A Mislin, Peter L Graumann, Isabelle J Schalk

Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:2987-95 (2007)10.1074/jbc.M609238200

Identification of residues of FpvA involved in the different steps of Pvd-Fe uptake in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Mirella Nader, Wim Dobbelaere, Michel Vincent, Laure Journet, Hendrik Adams, David Cobessi, Jacques Gallay, Isabelle J Schalk

Biochemistry 46:11707-17 (2007)10.1021/bi700997w


Characterization of a Type III secretion substrate specificity switch (T3S4) domain in YscP from Yersinia enterocolitica.

Céline Agrain, Isabelle Callebaut, Laure Journet, Isabel Sorg, Cécile Paroz, Luís Jaime Mota, Guy R. Cornelis

Molecular Microbiology 51:54-57 (2005)10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04534.x

Type III secretion: a secretory pathway serving both motility and virulence (review).

Laure Journet, Kelly T Hughes, Guy R Cornelis

Molecular Membrane Biology 22:41-50 (2005)

Bacterial injectisomes: needle length does matter.

Luís Jaime Mota, Laure Journet, Isabel Sorg, Céline Agrain, Guy R Cornelis

Science 307:1278 (2005)10.1126/science.1107679


Improved methods for producing outer membrane vesicles in Gram-negative bacteria.

Thomas Henry, Stéphanie Pommier, Laure Journet, Alain Bernadac, Jean-Pierre Gorvel, Roland Lloubès

Research in Microbiology 155:437-46 (2004)10.1016/j.resmic.2004.04.007


The needle length of bacterial injectisomes is determined by a molecular ruler.

Laure Journet, Céline Agrain, Petr Broz, Guy R Cornelis

Science 302:1757-60 (2003)10.1126/science.1091422

Genetic analysis of the formation of the Ysc-Yop translocation pore in macrophages by Yersinia enterocolitica: role of LcrV, YscF and YopN.

Marie-Noëlle Marenne, Laure Journet, Luis Jaime Mota, Guy R Cornelis

Microbial Pathogenesis 35:243-58 (2003)


Analysis of the Escherichia coli Tol-Pal and TonB systems by periplasmic production of Tol, TonB, colicin, or phage capsid soluble domains.

Emmanuelle Bouveret, Laure Journet, Anne Walburger, E. Cascales, Hélène Bénédetti, Roland Lloubes

Biochimie 84:413-21 (2002)


Import of colicins across the outer membrane of Escherichia coli involves multiple protein interactions in the periplasm.

Laure Journet, E. Bouveret, A. Rigal, R Lloubes, C Lazdunski, H Bénédetti

Molecular Microbiology 42:331-44 (2001)

The Tol-Pal proteins of the Escherichia coli cell envelope: an energized system required for outer membrane integrity?

Roland Lloubès, E. Cascales, Anne Walburger, Emmanuelle Bouveret, Claude Lazdunski, Alain Bernadac, Laure Journet

Research in Microbiology 152:523-529 (2001)10.1016/s0923-2508(01)01226-8


Colicin import into Escherichia coli cells requires the proximity of the inner and outer membranes and other factors

C. Lazdunski, E. Bouveret, A Rigal, Laure Journet, R. Lloubes, H. Bénédetti

International Journal of Medical Microbiology 290:337-344 (2000)10.1016/S1438-4221(00)80037-5


Role of TolR N-terminal, central, and C-terminal domains in dimerization and interaction with TolA and tolQ.

Laure Journet, A Rigal, C Lazdunski, H Bénédetti

Journal of Bacteriology 181:4476-84 (1999)


Colicin import into Escherichia coli cells.

C.J Lazdunski, E. Bouveret, A. Rigal, Laure Journet, R Lloubès, H Bénédetti

Journal of Bacteriology 180:4993-5002 (1998)

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