Our research team focuses towards understanding the molecular basis of virulence mechanisms of the model organism, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen and is responsible for a wide variety of human diseases ranging from acute infections in hospital, to chronic colonization of the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients. The main difficulties in treatment of patients infected with P. aeruginosa are a multi-resistance to antibiotics and a great adaptation capacity of the pathogen, which lead to the synthesis of many toxic products promoting host invasion and colonization and spread throughout the body.

Antivirulence strategies that can be developed from the characterization of virulence determinants are thus key to fight against P. aeruginosa. Its virulence is multi-factorial and we particularly focus on exported or secreted products, also called effectors, which contribute greatly to P. aeruginosa virulence by facilitating colonization and survival in the eukaryotic host or competition with other bacteria. Several effectors using the Tat export pathway or the H2-T6 secretion system are under study in the lab.

Characterize P. aeruginosa effectors to understand its pathogenesis and act on its virulence

We investigate their characterization by multidisciplinary approaches of molecular microbiology, genetics, biochemistry and cell biology and through collaborations for microscopy and structural biology. We would like to address the mechanism of action of these effectors, their partners in the bacteria and their targets in the host.


Past Members / Alumni

  • Dr G. Michel (1992 – 2010) CR1 CNRS
  • Pr A. Lazdunski (1985 – 2008) Professeur – Univ. Aix-Marseille II –
Post doctoral researchers
  • Dr B. Ize (2008 – 2010) – FRM Post-doc
    • Title of the project :  Role of the Tat system in P. aeruginosa virulence
    • Now CNRS Researcher in S. Bleves’s lab (LISM-Marseille)
  • Dr E. Durand (2008 – 2010) – ANR post doc- 3D Pilus
    • Title of the project :  Structure-function study of the Xcp pseudopilins in P. aeruginosa
    •  Now INSERM Researcher at the LISM-Marseille
  • Dr A. Hachani (2005 – 2007) – Post-doc on a contract from the Ministry of Research to welcome researchers from abroad
Technical staff
  • A. Courbois (2020-2021) –  AMIDEX funded – Aix-Marseille University –
PhD students
  • B. Berni (2015-2019) –  MRT funded – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD :  Caractérisation et mécanisme de sécrétion d’un nouvel effecteur d’une  machinerie de sécrétion de type VI- chez P. aeruginosa – Viva September 2019.
  • M. Gimenez (2014-2018) –  MRT funded – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD : Role of the P. aeruginosa Tat system: identification of substrates and role in twitching motility – Viva the 17th of December 2018.
  • A. Laubier (2011 – 2014) – VLM funded – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD :  The Patatin-like proteins, novel lipolytic toxins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : potential targets against infection ? – Viva on the 3rd of october 2014.
  • ​T. Sana (2009-2013) –  MRT funded – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD : Caracterisation of two type VI secretion systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Cross-regulation and role in the microtubules-dependant invasion of non-phagocytic cells – Viva the 20th of June 2013.
  • ​​R . Salacha (2006 – 2010) – MRT funded – University of Aix-Marseille II –
    • Title of the PhD : Patatins of P. aeruginosa: secreted or not secreted ? That is the question ? – Viva on the 11th of June 2010.
  • P. Nogueira-Orlandi (2001 – 2004) – CNPq funded, Brazil. Viva in January 2004
Master 2 students
  • S. Djermoun (2018) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • O. Chabiron (2017) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • R. Bouharaoua (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • B. Berni (2015) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • V. Tutagata (2014) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • M. Gimenez (2013) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • ​E. Boulant (2012) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 2 student
  • P. Imbert (2011) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 2 student
  • ​T. Sana (2010) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 2 student
  • A. Aguzzi (2008) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 2 student
  • V. Viarre (2006) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 2 student
  • R. Salacha (2006) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 2 student
  • S. Reig (2003) – University of Aix-Marseille II – DEA student
  • E. Yildiran (2024) – ENS Paris – Master 1
  • E. Montredon (2024) – Aix Marseille University – L3 student
  • ​​M. Ghazaryan (2024) – Aix Marseille University – L2 student
  • E. Messina (2024) – High school student 2nd Lycée Pastré Grande Bastide (Marseille)​​
  • S. Coronello (2024) – High school student 2nd Lycée Joliot Curie (Aubagne​​)
  • A. Roubaud (2023) – Bordeaux University – L2 student
  • R. Hoareau (2023) – Aix-Marseille University – L2 student
  • D. Moulin (2022) – Aix-Marseille University – M1 student
  • ​​F. Debard (2022) – 4ème année de pharmacie faculté de Lyon
  • D. Planez (2022) – Aix-Marseille University – L2 student
  • ​​E. Esnault (2021) – Polytech student (Marseille)
  • C. Cibien (2021) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • M. Schiano (2019) – High school student 2nd Lycée Sainte Trinité (Marseille)
  • B. Cardoso (2019) – Aix-Marseille University – L2 student
  • M. Cortiggiani (2019) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • M. Hachemane (2019) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • A. Nabonnand (2018) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • C. Aubéry (2018) – High school student 3ème Collège du Thors (Vaucluse)
  • R. Lacombe (2018) – High school student 3ème Collège de Pernes les fontaines (Vaucluse)
  • M. Ghazaryan (2018) – High school student 3ème Collège de Provence (Marseille)
  • G. Lextrait (2018) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • M. Sarrazin (2018) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student – Now M2 student in S. Canaan’s team (LISM- Marseille)
  • D. Popoff (2017) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • Y. Thibaudeau (2017) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • A. Litnari (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – Sécurité sanitaire des aliments Master 1 student
  • Y. Hassoun (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • C. Raynaud (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • S. Jaussaud (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student
  • I. Rajaobelina (2016) – Aix-Marseille University – L3 student BHB
  • S. Poquet (2015) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • E. Voilin (2015) – Polytech student
  • S. Chautard (2015) – Polytech student
  • N. Tchilian (2015) – University of Aix-Marseille II – L1 student
  • A. Gaubert (2014) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • S. Chautard (2014) – Polytech student
  • L. Pariente (2014) – High school student 2nd Lycée Sainte Trinité (Marseille)
  • P. Kara (2014) – High school student 2nd Lycée Sainte Trinité (Marseille)
  • M. Gimenez (2013) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • G. Urbain (2013) – Aix-Marseille University – MBVB Master 1 student
  • C. Chauvet (2013) – Polytech student
  • L. Villiers (2013) – Polytech student
  • J. Darmon (2013) – High school student 3ème collège Sylvain Menu (Marseille)
  • B. Péan (2012) – High school student 3ème collège G. Brassens (Montpellier)
  • S. Wild-Chopinet (2011) – High school student Stagiaire de 3ème collège Chevreuil (Marseille)
  • D. Ranada (2011) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 1 student 
  • C. Tonglet (2010-2011) – University of Aix-Marseille II – L2/L3 student
  • A. Gagnaire (2010) – University of Aix-Marseille II – L2 student
  • P. Van Overvelt (2010) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 1 student
  • R. Zoued (2010) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 1 student
  • C. Champion (2009) – University of Aix-Marseille II – MBVB Master 1 student
  • E. Carpentier (2008) – University of Aix-Marseille II – ESIL student
  • T. Herpin (2008) – University of Aix-Marseille II – L3 student
  • F. Kovacic (2008) – Antibiotarget network PhD student
Pseudomonas team 2009-2016
  • Dr R. Voulhoux (2004-) – DR2 CNRS –
  • G. Ball (1986-) – IE CNRS –
  • Pr Kathrina Forest (2015) visiting researcher with IMERA
  • Dr B. Douzi (2015-2017) – Post doc – ANR funded
  • N. Gomez (2016-) – PhD student VLM funded – Aix-Marseille University
  • C. Raynaud (2017) – MBVB Master 2 student – Aix-Marseille University
  • S. Lhospice (2015-2016) IE – ANR funded
  • S. Michel (2012-2016) – PhD MRT funded – Aix-Marseille University – (2016-2017) – ATER – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD :  P……. Viva on the 18th of December 2017
  • F. Cadoret (2010 – 2013) –  PhD MRT funded – Aix-Marseille University                         (2013-2014) – ATER – Aix-Marseille University –
    • Title of the PhD :  PA7, an atypical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Transcriptomic study and caracterisation of a third functional T2SS, Txc. Viva on the 7th of july 2014.
  • B. Douzi (2008 – 2011) – Fellowship from Tunisia (BDI) – University of Aix-Marseille II –
    • Title of the PhD : Type II secretion system of P. aeruginosa : interactome and structure function relationship – Viva the 28th of Octobre 2011.
  • V. Viarre (2006 – 2010) –  MRT funded – University of Aix-Marseille II –
    • Title of the PhD : The Hxc type II secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, caracterisation and functional study of the liposecretine HxcQ. Viva the 25th of June 2010.


Analysis of the Brucella suis Twin Arginine Translocation System and Its Substrates Shows That It Is Essential for Viability

Elia Riquelme, Sabina Omarova, Bérengère Ize, David O’callaghan

Infection and Immunity 91 (2023)10.1128/iai.00459-22

What Is New in the Anti–Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clinical Development Pipeline Since the 2017 WHO Alert?

Sébastien Reig, Audrey Le Gouellec, Sophie Bleves

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12 (2022)10.3389/fcimb.2022.909731

Disruption of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Tat system perturbs PQS-dependent quorum sensing and biofilm maturation through lack of the Rieske cytochrome bc1 sub-unit

Eliza Ye-Chen Soh, Frances Smith, Maxime Rémi Gimenez, Liang Yang, Rebecca Munk Vejborg, Matthew Fletcher, Nigel Halliday, Sophie Bleves, Stephan Heeb, Miguel Cámara, Michael Givskov, Kim Hardie, Tim Tolker-Nielsen, Bérengère Ize, Paul Williams

PLoS Pathogens 17:e1009425 (2021)10.1371/journal.ppat.1009425

Bacterial injection machines: Evolutionary diverse but functionally convergent

Sophie Bleves, Jorge E Galán, Matxalen Llosa

Cellular Microbiology e13157 (2020)10.1111/cmi.13157

Show complete publications list

Editorial: Protein Export and Secretion Among Bacterial Pathogens

Thibault G Sana, Romé Voulhoux, Denise M Monack, Bérengère Ize, Sophie Bleves

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9 (2020)10.3389/fcimb.2019.00473

A Type VI Secretion System trans- kingdom effector is required for the delivery of a novel antibacterial toxin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Benjamin Berni, Chantal Soscia, Sarah Djermoun, Bérengère Ize, Sophie Bleves

Frontiers in Microbiology (2019)10.3389/fmicb.2019.01218

Killing from the inside: Intracellular role of T3SS in the fate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa within macrophages revealed by mgtC and oprF mutants

Preeti Garai, Laurence Berry, Malika Moussouni, Sophie Bleves, Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard

PLoS Pathogens 15:e1007812 (2019)10.1371/journal.ppat.1007812

Activity of a Synthetic Peptide Targeting MgtC on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Intramacrophage Survival and Biofilm Formation

Malika Moussouni, Pauline Nogaret, Preeti Garai, Bérengère Ize, Eric Vivès, Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9:84 (2019)10.3389/fcimb.2019.00084

Differential modulation of Quorum-Sensing signaling through QslA in Pseudomonas

Thibault Gery Sana, Rodrigo Lomas, Maxime Rémi Gimenez, Aurélie Laubier, Chantal Soscia, Claire Chauvet, Ana Conesa, Romé Voulhoux, Bérengère Ize, Sophie Bleves

Journal of Bacteriology (2019)

United we stand, divided we fall

Sophie Bleves, Benjamin Berni

Nature Microbiology (2018)10.1038/s41564-018-0130-x

Genome wide identification and experimental validation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Tat substrates

Maxime Rémi Gimenez, Govind Chandra, Perrine van Overvelt, Romé Voulhoux, Sophie Bleves, Bérengère Ize

Scientific Reports 8:11950 (2018)10.1038/s41598-018-30393-x

Pseudomonas aeruginosa zinc uptake in chelating environment is primarily mediated by the metallophore pseudopaline

Sebastien Lhospice, Nicolas Oswaldo Gomez, Laurent Ouerdane, Catherine Brutesco, Ghassan Ghssein, Christine Hajjar, Ahmed Liratni, Shuanglong Wang, Pierre Richaud, Sophie Bleves, Geneviève Ball, Elise Borezée-Durant, Ryszard Lobinski, David Pignol, Pascal Arnoux, Romé Voulhoux

Scientific Reports 7:1-10 (2017)10.1038/s41598-017-16765-9

Characterization of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion Trans-envelope PorKLMNP Core Complex

Maxence S Vincent, Mickaël J Canestrari, Philippe Leone, Julien Stathopulos, Bérengère Ize, Abdelrahim Zoued, Christian Cambillau, Christine Kellenberger, Alain Roussel, E. Cascales

Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:3252-3261 (2017)10.1074/jbc.M116.765081

Contribution of the Twin Arginine Translocation system to the exoproteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Geneviève Ball, Haike Antelmann, Paul Roger Claude Imbert, Maxime Rémi Gimenez, Romé Voulhoux, Bérengère Ize

Scientific Reports 6:27675 (2016)10.1038/srep27675

Game of Trans-Kingdom Effectors

Sophie Bleves

Trends in Microbiology 24:773-774 (2016)10.1016/j.tim.2016.08.002

Structural Basis of Lipid Targeting and Destruction by the Type V Secretion System of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Paulo Vinicius da Mata Madeira, Samira Zouhir, Pauline Basso, David Neves, Aurélie Laubier, Richard Salacha, Sophie Bleves, Eric Faudry, Carlos Contreras-Martel, Andréa Dessen

Journal of Molecular Biology 428:1790-803 (2016)10.1016/j.jmb.2016.03.012

Correction: Functional Characterization of Pseudomonas Contact Dependent Growth Inhibition (CDI) Systems.

Chryslène Mercy, Bérengère Ize, Suzana P Salcedo, Sophie De Bentzmann, Sarah Bigot

PLoS ONE 11:e0150538 (2016)10.1371/journal.pone.0150538

Functional Characterization of Pseudomonas Contact Dependent Growth Inhibition (CDI) Systems

Chryslène Mercy, Bérengère Ize, Suzana P Salcedo, Sophie de Bentzmann, Sarah Bigot

PLoS ONE 11:e0147435 (2016)10.1371/journal.pone.0147435

The T6SSs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain PAO1 and Their Effectors: Beyond Bacterial-Cell Targeting.

Thibault G Sana, Benjamin Berni, Sophie Bleves

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 6:61 (2016)10.3389/fcimb.2016.00061

A Macrophage Subversion Factor Is Shared by Intracellular and Extracellular Pathogens

Claudine Belon, Chantal Soscia, Audrey Bernut, Aurélie Laubier, Sophie Bleves, Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard

PLoS Pathogens 11:e1004969 (2015)10.1371/journal.ppat.1004969

Intracellular phase for an extracellular bacterial pathogen: MgtC shows the way

Audrey Bernut, Claudine Belon, Chantal Soscia, Sophie Bleves, Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard

Microbial Cell 2:353-355 (2015)10.15698/mic2015.09.227

Internalization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain PAO1 into Epithelial Cells Is Promoted by Interaction of a T6SS Effector with the Microtubule Network

Thibault G. Sana, Christoph Baumann, Andreas Merdes, Chantal Soscia, Thomas Rattei, Abderrahman Hachani, Cerith Jones, Keiryn L. Bennett, Alain Filloux, Giulio Superti-Furga, Romé Voulhoux, Sophie Bleves

mBio 6 (2015)10.1128/mbio.00712-15

Genome-wide Screen of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Identifies New Virulence Factors.

Rafat Zrieq, Thibault G Sana, Sandra Vergin, Steve Garvis, Irina Volfson, Sophie Bleves, Romé Voulhoux, Johannes H Hegemann

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 5:81 (2015)10.3389/fcimb.2015.00081

HoPaCI-DB: host-Pseudomonas and Coxiella interaction database.

Sophie Bleves, Irmtraud Dunger, Mathias C Walter, Dimitrios Frangoulidis, Gabi Kastenmüller, Romé Voulhoux, Andreas Ruepp

Nucleic Acids Research 42:D671-6 (2014)10.1093/nar/gkt925

The target cell genus does not matter.

Sophie Bleves, Thibault G Sana, Romé Voulhoux

Trends Microbiol. 22:304-6 (2014)10.1016/j.tim.2014.04.011

Cell fractionation.

Bérengère Ize, Véronique Viarre, Romé Voulhoux

Methods in Molecular Biology 1149:185-91 (2014)10.1007/978-1-4939-0473-0_15

Gene transfer: conjugation.

Thibault G Sana, Aurélie Laubier, Sophie Bleves

Methods in Molecular Biology 1149:17-22 (2014)10.1007/978-1-4939-0473-0_3

Dissecting the machinery that introduces disulfide bonds in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Isabelle S Arts, Geneviève Ball, Pauline Leverrier, Steven Garvis, Valérie Nicolaes, Didier Vertommen, Bérengère Ize, Veronica Tamu Dufe, Joris Messens, Romé Voulhoux, Jean-Francois Collet

mBio 4:e00912-13 (2013)10.1128/mBio.00912-13

Divergent control of two type VI secretion systems by RpoN in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Thibault G Sana, Chantal Soscia, Céline M Tonglet, Steve Garvis, Sophie Bleves

PLoS ONE 8:e76030 (2013)10.1371/journal.pone.0076030

The second type VI secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 is regulated by quorum sensing and Fur and modulates internalization in epithelial cells.

Thibault G Sana, Abderrahman Hachani, Iwona Bucior, Chantal Soscia, Steve Garvis, Elise Termine, Joanne Engel, Alain Filloux, Sophie Bleves

Journal of Biological Chemistry 287:27095-105 (2012)10.1074/jbc.M112.376368

Type VI secretion system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: secretion and multimerization of VgrG proteins.

Abderrahman Hachani, Nadine S Lossi, Alexander Hamilton, Cerith Jones, Sophie Bleves, David Albesa-Jové, Alain Filloux

Journal of Biological Chemistry 286:12317-27 (2011)10.1074/jbc.M110.193045

Role of fimV in type II secretion system-dependent protein secretion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on solid medium.

Gérard P F Michel, Anthony Aguzzi, Geneviève Ball, Chantal Soscia, Sophie Bleves, Romé Voulhoux

Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 157:1945-54 (2011)10.1099/mic.0.045849-0

Multiple sensors control reciprocal expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ezgulatory RNA and virulence genes.

Isabelle Ventre, Al Goodman, Isabelle Vallet-Gely, Perrine Vasseur, Chantal Soscia, Sören Molin, Sophie Bleves, Andrée Lazdunski, Steve Lory, Alain Filloux

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:171-176 (2006)

Use of colicin-based genetic tools for studying bacterial protein transport

A Filloux, R Voulhoux, B Ize, F Gérard, G Ball, L.F Wu

Biochimie 84:489-497 (2002)10.1016/s0300-9084(02)01412-8

Translocation of Jellyfish Green Fluorescent Protein via the Tat System of Escherichia coli and Change of Its Periplasmic Localization in Response to Osmotic Up-shock

Claire-Lise Santini, Alain Bernadac, Bérengère Ize, Carlos Blanco, Long-Fei Wu

Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:8159-8164 (2001)10.1074/jbc.C000833200

Involvement of the twin-arginine translocation system in protein secretion via the type II pathway

Romé Voulhoux, Genevieve Ball, Bérengère Ize, Michael L Vasil, Andrée Lazdunski, Long-Fei Wu, Alain Filloux

EMBO Journal 20:6735-6741 (2001)10.1093/emboj/20.23.6735

Assembly of XcpR in the Cytoplasmic Membrane Is Required for Extracellular Protein Secretion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Genevieve Ball, Virginie Chapon, Sophie Bleves, Gérard Michel, Marc Bally

Journal of Bacteriology 181:382-388 (1999)

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  • National
    • Dr Anne Blanc-Pottard, CNRS, Montpellier
    • Dr Stéphane Canaan, LISM, Marseille
    • Dr Olivier Genest, BIP, Marseille
    • Dr Marianne Ilbert, BIP, Marseille
    • Dr Andreas Merdes, CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
    • Dr David O’Callaghan, Nîmes
    • Dr Guy Schoehn, IBS, Grenoble
    • Dr Mustapha Si-Tahar, INSERM U1100 Tours
  • International
    • Pr Paul Williams, Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, Nottingham, UK
    • Dr Govind Chandra, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK


© 2024 LISM - Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Macromoléculaires - CNRS UMR7255

31 Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille cedex 20, France