We currently develop several lines of study on the type VI secretion system (T6SS), a contractile nanomachine that uses a spring-like mechanism to deliver effectors in target cells. We focus our efforts on understanding the regulation of the expression of T6SS gene clusters, on the structure of the apparatus, and defining how it works and how it propels effectors. An important line of study on the T6SS is to characterize effectors – their activities and targets – and how they are recruited, selected and mounted on the secretion system. A more recent project in our group wishes to define the architecture and the mechanism of action of the type IX secretion system (T9SS), a secretion system restricted to the Bacteroidetes phylum, and involved in pathogenesis and gliding motility. For all these projects, we used a combination of bacterial genetics, molecular biology, physiological tests, structural biology, and fluorescence microscopy.
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a multi-subunit machine that is widespread in Gram negative bacteria with an over-representation in Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The T6SS is a contractile machine that uses a spring-like mechanism to propel an effector-loaded needle into the target. The T6SS comprises three sub-complexes: (i) the membrane complex that serves as docking station at the cell envelope and as channel for the passage of the needle during contraction, (ii) the baseplate, which is the assembly platform for (iii) the tail tube/sheath complex.
In the recent years we have focused our efforts on the understanding of the structure and assembly pathway of the membrane and baseplate subcomplexes. We have also identified subunits that coordinate or control tail tube/sheath assembly, termination or contraction. We collaborate with several colleagues in France or abroad, notably the group of R. Fronzes for electron microscopy structural studies.
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) injects toxins to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells and is thus directly involved in virulence, and/or participate to clear and colonize niches by killing bacterial competitors. The competitive advantage provided by T6SS on intra and inter-species bacterial interaction in the gut and thus on the composition of the microbiota was recently highlighted. Our goal is to identify and determine the mode of action and the targets of T6SS effector toxins, using pathogenic Escherichia coli and related species as models. We also want to understand how T6SS effectors are loaded on the T6SS machine for delivery and how they are activated in the target cell. Specifically, in the recent years, we characterized an antibacterial phospholipase toxin of enteroaggregative E. coli and its immunity protein Tli1. Three Tle1 toxins interact directly with VgrG, the needle spike of the machine, for delivery in the periplasm of target cells.
The phylum Bacteroidetes is under-studied despite many of its members being important pathogens and commensals. These bacteria distinguish themselves by using the type IX secretion system (T9SS). This machinery is composed of at least 18 proteins assembled to secrete effectors supporting a wide variety of functions.
Notably, in Porphyromonas gingivalis, the main microorganism responsible for periodontitis, the T9SS secretes a cocktail of adhesins and proteases called gingipains to promote tissue invasion.
Several Bacteroidetes members also use the T9SS for gliding. This motility process relies on adhesins translocated to the cell surface and set into motion by the T9SS. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we are dedicated to understand the T9SS at multiple scales, from the organization of the machinery, the secretion pathway, the biological functions, to the link with gliding. We collaborate with Alain Roussel at AFMB and have recently biochemically and structurally characterized key subunits and subcomplexes.
Yannick Brunet (AMU, B.Sc., 2008)
Marie Guérin (AMU, M1, 2010)
Abir Benzegoutta (AMU, M1, 2010)
Abdelrahim Zoued (AMU, M1, 2010; M2 2011)
Quentin d’Amalric (AMU, M1, 2011)
Delphine Prévost (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2011)
Valentin Tutagata (BTS, 2012)
Laureen Logger (AMU, M1, 2012; M2, 2012)
Seddik Harchouni (AMU, B.Sc., 2012)
Valentine Lensi (AMU, L2, 2012)
Charlotte Gaviard (AMU, B.Sc., 2012)
Lia Freier (B.Sc. Erasmus, Tuebingen Univ., Germany, 2013)
Jean-Charles Cancel (AMU, L2, 2013)
Emma Long (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2013)
Guillaume Urbain (AMU, M1, 2013)
Aurélie Fosses (AMU, M1, 2013)
Yann Dauchy (AMU, B.Sc., 2013)
Jordi Zamarreno-Beas (AMU, B.Sc., 2013)
Anant Kumar Singh (Indian Research Scholar fellow, 2013)
Mickaël Canestrari (AMU, B.Sc., 2013)
Elodie Pagès (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2014)
Maxence Vincent (AMU, M1, 2014)
Yoann Santin (AMU, L2, 2014)
Doriane Delafosse (AMU, B.Sc., 2014)
Alexandre Espana (AMU, B.Sc., 2014)
Nicolas Flaugnatti (AMU, M.Sc., 2014)
Marcus Höring (M.Sc. Erasmus, Regensburg Univ., Germany, 2014)
Corentin Baussier (AMU, L1 Bio, 2015)
Sam Cascales (3ème, 2015)
Kevin Arnould (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2015)
Sarah Tjaden (Visiting PhD, Münster, Germany, 2015 & 2016)
Vincent Palomo (AMU, L2, 2015)
Tristan Pommier (AMU, B.Sc., 2015)
Maxence Durand (3ème, 2015)
Hugo Perez (3ème, 2016)
Chakib Khenafra (AMU, L1, 2016)
Alexis Dogliani (AMU, M1, 2016)
Viet Anh Nguyen (M.Sc., USTH, Vietnam, 2016)
Chloé Cassaro (University of Glascow, Scotland, 2016)
Mathias Gallique (Visiting Ph.D, Evreux, 2016)
Wanassa Béroual (AMU, B.Sc., 2016)
Théo Dubois (2de, 2017)
Stéphane Alibar (AMU, M1, 2017; M2, 2018)
Melvin Renault (AMU, B.Sc., 2017)
Claire Camy (AMU, B.Sc., 2017)
Camille Garcia (AMU, M2, 2018)
Romain Debiton (B.Sc., 2018; M1, 2019)
Ryan Ellison (Exeter College, Oxford University, Laidlaw scholar, 2018)
Mehdi Zouanbi (AMU, B. Sc., 2018)
Victoria Sgoluppi (AMU, B.Sc., 2018 and 2019)
Zoé Cascales (3ème, 2019)
Benjamin Bagnis (AMU, M1, 2019)
Thibault Bongiovanni (AMU, M1, 2019)
Baptiste Piguet-Ruinet (AMU, L2, 2019)
Ashleigh Morgan (Exeter College, Oxford University, 2019)
Samuel Carien (AMU, L2, 2019)
Tiffany Lihoreau (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2019)
Camille Herrou (AMU, L3, 2020)
Jonas Desjardins (AMU, L3, 2020)
Yousra Onrifani (BTS, 2020)
Fabio Meraihi (AMU, L3, 2020-2021)
Jonathan Julien (AMU, DFGSM3, 2020-2021)
Margot Grimonpont (AMU, M1 MIF, 2021)
Morgane Brigitte (AMU, M1 MIF, 2021)
Jérémy Mom (AMU, M1 MIF, 2021)
Yvann Bourigault (Visiting PhD, Evreux, 2021)
Sophie Du Crest (BTS, 2021)
Floriane Vernay (AMU, L2, 2021)
Pierre Liénart (AMU, L2, 2021)
Noa Guzzi (AMU, L3, 2021)
Julien Giraud (AMU, L3, 2021)
Marine Giraud (AMU, L1, 2022)
Thomas Zur Nedden (Université Libre de Bruxelles, M2, 2022)
Edinia Moraes Soreira (BTS, 2022)
Solé Humbert-Massasso (3ème, 2022)
Camille Field-Ize (3ème, 2022)
Nathan Gombeaud-Saintonge (AMU, ESIL-PolyTech, 2022)
Thomas Vivet (AMU, L2, 2022)
Sofia Hatych (AMU, L3, 2022)
Sirui Li (Wuhan University of Technology, China, M2, 2022)
Maja Andiel (L3 ERASMUS, Tübingen, Germany, 2022)
Margot Dessartine (Visiting Ph.D, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2022)
Corana Nobile (AMU, L1, 2023)
Chloé Piras (AMU, M1 MIF, 2023)
Bastien Charrat (AMU, M1 MIF, 2023)
Maximilien Rouzaud (AMU, M1 BSG, 2023)
Louise-Elisabeth Dintilhac (Université de Rennes, M2, 2023)
Téa Massaroni (3ème, 2023)
Léa Duchemin (AMU, L3, 2023)
Martin Durrmeyer (AMU, M1 MIF, 2023)
Atakan Kabtan (Université Libre de Bruxelles, M2, 2023)
Lou Marchi (INSA Strasbourg, 2023)
Mathias Cardin (AMU, L2, 2023)
Sylvain Lacroix (AMU, L3, 2023)
Thibault Delorbe (AMU, L2, 2014)
Stanislas Padilla (AMU, L2, 2024)
Margot Marie Dessartine, Artemis Kosta, Thierry Doan, Éric Cascales, Jean-Philippe Côté
mBio e0255323 (2024)10.1128/mbio.02553-23
Baptiste Dumont, Laurent Terradot, Eric Cascales, Laurence van Melderen, Dukas Jurėnas
Nature Communications 15:10388 (2024)10.1038/s41467-024-54892-w
Tiffany Garin, Chrystelle Brin, Anne Préveaux, Agathe Brault, Martial Briand, Marie Simonin, Matthieu Barret, Laure Journet, Alain Sarniguet
Molecular Plant Pathology 25:e13412 (2024)10.1111/mpp.13412
Mariotte Zammit, Julia Bartoli, Christine Kellenberger, Pauline Melani, Alain Roussel, Eric Cascales, Philippe Leone
Scientific Reports 14:6577 (2024)10.1038/s41598-024-57089-9
Julia Bartoli, Audrey C Tempier, Noa L Guzzi, Chloé M Piras, Eric Cascales, Julie P M Viala
Journal of Molecular Biology 435:168282 (2023)10.1016/j.jmb.2023.168282
Solène G Beauvois, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Marianne Ilbert, Marie Boyer, Esther Gavello-Fernandez, Rémi Fronzes, Dukas Jurėnas, Laure Journet
Microbiology Spectrum (2023)10.1128/spectrum.01478-23
Yvann Bourigault, Charly A Dupont, Jonas B Desjardins, Thierry Doan, Mathilde Bouteiller, Hugo Le Guenno, Sylvie Chevalier, Corinne Barbey, Xavier Latour, Eric Cascales, Annabelle Merieau
Environmental Microbiology (2023)10.1111/1462-2920.16492
Thi Thu Hang Le, Christine Kellenberger, Marie Boyer, Pierre Santucci, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Eric Cascales, Alain Roussel, Stéphane Canaan, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24:1740 (2023)10.3390/ijms24021740
Cassandra Lenoir, Anaïs Pelletier, Sylvie Manuse, Hugo Millat, Adrien Ducret, Anne Galinier, Thierry Doan, Christophe Grangeasse
mBio (2023)10.1128/mbio.01411-23
Maëlle Paillat, Ignacio Lunar Silva, Eric Cascales, Thierry Doan
Microbiology 169 (2023)10.1099/mic.0.001320
Boris Taillefer, Julien F Giraud, Eric Cascales
Journal of Bacteriology 205 (2023)10.1128/jb.00357-23
Boris Taillefer, Marie Grandjean, Julien Herrou, Donovan Robert, Tam Mignot, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer, Eric Cascales
Bio-protocol 13:e4706 (2023)10.21769/BioProtoc.4706
Etienne Vanlioğlu, Yoann Santin, Isaac Filella-Merce, Riccardo Pellarin, Eric Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 435:167918 (2023)10.1016/j.jmb.2022.167918
Olivier Fuchsbauer, Ignacio Lunar Silva, Eric Cascales, Alain Roussel, Philippe Leone
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298:101618 (2022)10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101618
Dhana Gorasia, Ignacio Lunar Silva, Catherine Butler, Maïalène Chabalier, Thierry Doan, Eric Cascales, Paul Veith, Eric Reynolds
Microbiology Spectrum e0160221 (2022)10.1128/spectrum.01602-21
Dukas Jurėnas, Martial Rey, Deborah Byrne, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Laurent Terradot, Eric Cascales
Nucleic Acids Research 50:13114-13127 (2022)10.1093/nar/gkac1162
Ane Landajuela, Martha Braun, Alejandro Martínez-Calvo, Christopher D.A. Rodrigues, Carolina Gomis Perez, Thierry Doan, David Rudner, Ned Wingreen, Erdem Karatekin
Current Biology 32:4186-4200.e8 (2022)10.1016/j.cub.2022.08.014
Liqiang Song, John Perpich, Chenggang Wu, Thierry Doan, Zuzanna Nowakowska, Jan Potempa, Peter Christie, E. Cascales, Richard Lamont, Bo Hu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (2022)10.1073/pnas.2119907119
Matteo Tassinari, Thierry Doan, Marco Bellinzoni, Maïalene Chabalier, Mathilde Ben-Assaya, Mariano Martinez, Quentin Gaday, Pedro Alzari, Eric Cascales, Rémi Fronzes, Francesca Gubellini
mBio e0013422 (2022)10.1128/mbio.00134-22
P.D. Veith, M.D. Glew, D.G. Gorasia, E.C. Reynolds, E. Cascales
Journal of Dental Research 101:374-383 (2022)10.1177/00220345211051599
Maxence Vincent, Caterina Comas Hervada, Corinne Sebban-Kreuzer, Hugo Le Guenno, Maïalène Chabalier, Artemis Kosta, Françoise Guerlesquin, Tâm Mignot, Mark Mcbride, Thierry Doan, E. Cascales
PLoS Biology 20:e3001443 (2022)10.1371/journal.pbio.3001443
Fabricio Cassan, Anahí Coniglio, Edgar Amavizca, Guillermo Maroniche, E. Cascales, Yoav Bashan, Luz De‐bashan
Environmental Microbiology (2021)10.1111/1462-2920.15749
Fabricio Cassan, Anahí Coniglio, Edgar Amavizca, Guillermo Maroniche, E. Cascales, Yoav Bashan, Luz De‐bashan
Environmental Microbiology 23:6257-6274 (2021)10.1111/1462-2920.15749
Yasmine Hassoun, Julia Bartoli, Astrid Wahl, Julie Viala, Emmanuelle Bouveret
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8 (2021)10.3389/fmolb.2021.665977
Dukas Jurėnas, Laure Journet
Molecular Microbiology 115:383-394 (2021)10.1111/mmi.14648
Dukas Jurėnas, Leonardo Talachia Rosa, Martial Rey, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Rémi Fronzes, E. Cascales
Nature Communications 12 (2021)10.1038/s41467-021-27388-0
Dukas Jurėnas, Amaury Payelleville, Mohammad Roghanian, Kathryn Turnbull, Alain Givaudan, Julien Brillard, Vasili Hauryliuk, E. Cascales
Nucleic Acids Research 49:8384-8395 (2021)10.1093/nar/gkab608
Dukas Jurėnas, E. Cascales
Trends in Microbiology (2021)10.1016/j.tim.2021.10.006
Ane Landajuela, Martha Braun, Christopher Rodrigues, Alejandro Martínez-Calvo, Thierry Doan, Florian Horenkamp, Anna Andronicos, Vladimir Shteyn, Nathan Williams, Chenxiang Lin, Ned Wingreen, David Rudner, Erdem Karatekin
PLoS Biology 19:e3001314 (2021)10.1371/journal.pbio.3001314
Ignacio Lunar Silva, E. Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 433:166836 (2021)10.1016/j.jmb.2021.166836
van Son Nguyen, Silvia Spinelli, E. Cascales, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, Philippe Leone
PLoS ONE 16:e0254232 (2021)10.1371/journal.pone.0254232
Sofiene Seef, Julien Herrou, Paul de Boissier, Laetitia My, Gael Brasseur, Donovan Robert, Rikesh Jain, Romain Mercier, Eric Cascales, Bianca Habermann, Tâm Mignot
eLife 10 (2021)10.7554/eLife.72409
Julia Bartoli, Julie Viala, Emmanuelle Bouveret
Frontiers in Microbiology 11:1856 (2020)10.3389/fmicb.2020.01856
Yannick R Brunet, Christophe S Bernard, E. Cascales
Journal of Bacteriology (2020)
Nicolas Flaugnatti, Chiara Rapisarda, Martial Rey, Solène G Beauvois, Viet Anh Nguyen, Stéphane Canaan, Eric Durand, Julia Chamot‐rooke, E. Cascales, Rémi Fronzes, Laure Journet
EMBO Journal 39:e104129 (2020)10.15252/embj.2019104129
Mickaël J Canestrari, Bastien Serrano, Julia Bartoli, Valérie Prima, Olivier Bornet, Rémy Puppo, Emmanuelle Bouveret, Françoise Guerlesquin, Julie Viala
FEBS Letters 594:251-265 (2019)10.1002/1873-3468.13593
Yassine Cherrak, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Eric Durand, Laure Journet, E. Cascales
Microbiology Spectrum 7 (2019)10.1128/microbiolspec.PSIB-0031-2019
Chiara Rapisarda, Yassine Cherrak, Romain Kooger, Victoria Schmidt, Riccardo Pellarin, Laureen Logger, E. Cascales, Martin Pilhofer, Eric Durand, Rémi Fronzes
EMBO Journal 38 (2019)10.15252/embj.2018100886
Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Laure Journet, E. Cascales
Current Biology (2019)10.1016/j.cub.2019.08.058
Yoann G Santin, Claire Camy, Abdelrahim Zoued, Thierry Doan, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, E. Cascales
Journal of Bacteriology (2019)10.1128/JB.00173-19
Benoit Chassaing, E. Cascales
Trends in Microbiology 26:329-338 (2018)10.1016/j.tim.2018.01.006
Yassine Cherrak, Chiara Rapisarda, Riccardo Pellarin, Guillaume Bouvier, Benjamin Bardiaux, Fabrice Allain, Christian Malosse, Martial Jean-Pierre Rey, Julia Chamot-Rooke, E. Cascales, Rémi Fronzes, Eric Durand
Nature Microbiology 3:1404-1416 (2018)10.1038/s41564-018-0260-1
Badreddine Douzi, Laureen Logger, Silvia Spinelli, Stephanie Blangy, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 430:297-309 (2018)10.1016/j.jmb.2017.11.015
Philippe Leone, Jennifer Roche, Maxence S Vincent, Quang Hieu Tran, Aline Desmyter, E. Cascales, Christine Kellenberger, Christian Cambillau, Alain Roussel
Nature Communications 9 (2018)10.1038/s41467-017-02784-7
van Son Nguyen, Badreddine Douzi, Eric Durand, Alain Roussel, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 49:77-84 (2018)10.1016/j.sbi.2018.01.007
Melvin G Renault, Jordi Zamarreño Beas, Badreddine Douzi, Maïalène Chabalier, Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick R Brunet, Christian Cambillau, Laure Journet, E. Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 430:3143-3156 (2018)10.1016/j.jmb.2018.07.018
Yoann G Santin, Thierry Doan, Régine Lebrun, Leon Espinosa, Laure Journet, E. Cascales
Nature Microbiology 3:1304-1313 (2018)10.1038/s41564-018-0234-3
Abdelrahim Zoued, Jean-Pierre Duneau, Eric Durand, Alexandre España, Laure Journet, Françoise Guerlesquin, E. Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 430:987-1003 (2018)10.1016/j.jmb.2018.02.008
J. Bartoli, L. My, Lucid Belmudes, Yohann Coute, Julie Viala, E. Bouveret
Journal of Bacteriology 199 (2017)10.1128/JB.00202-17
E. Cascales
Cell 168:949-951 (2017)10.1016/j.cell.2017.02.028
E. Cascales
Current Biology 27:R1170-R1173 (2017)10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.025
van Son Nguyen, Laureen Logger, Silvia Spinelli, Pierre Legrand, Thi Thanh Huyen Pham, Thi Trang Nhung Trinh, Yassine Cherrak, Abdelrahim Zoued, Aline Desmyter, Eric Durand, Alain Roussel, Christine Kellenberger, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau
Nature Microbiology 2:17103 (2017)10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.103
Yoann G Santin, E. Cascales
EMBO Reports 18:138-149 (2017)10.15252/embr.201643206
Alexandra Vergnes, Julie Viala, Ouadah‐tsabet Rabah, Bérengère Pocachard, Laurent Loiseau, Stephane Meresse, Frédéric Barras, Laurent Aussel
Cellular Microbiology 19:e12680 (2017)10.1111/cmi.12680
Julie Viala, Valerie Prima, Remy Puppo, Rym Agrebi, Mickael J. Canestrari, Sabrina Lignon, Nicolas Chauvin, Stephane Meresse, Tam Mignot, Regine Lebrun, Emmanuelle Bouveret
PLoS Genetics 13 (2017)10.1371/journal.pgen.1006556
Maxence S Vincent, Mickaël J Canestrari, Philippe Leone, Julien Stathopulos, Bérengère Ize, Abdelrahim Zoued, Christian Cambillau, Christine Kellenberger, Alain Roussel, E. Cascales
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:3252-3261 (2017)10.1074/jbc.M116.765081
Abdelrahim Zoued, Eric Durand, Yoann G Santin, Laure Journet, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales
BioEssays 39 (2017)10.1002/bies.201600262
Laurent Aussel, Carmen Beuzón, E. Cascales
Virulence 7:481-490 (2016)10.1080/21505594.2016.1152441
Diane Borselli, Aurélie Lieutaud, Hélène Thefenne, Eric Garnotel, Jean-Marie Pagès, Jean Michel Brunel, Jean-Michel Bolla, E. Cascales
PLoS ONE 11:e154490 (2016)10.1371/journal.pone.0154490
Badreddine Douzi, Yannick R Brunet, Silvia Spinelli, Valentine Lensi, Stephanie Blangy, Anant Kumar, Laure Journet, Pierre Legrand, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau
Scientific Reports 6 (2016)10.1038/srep34405
Nicolas Flaugnatti, Thi Thu Hang Le, Stéphane Canaan, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Vân Nguyên, Stephanie Blangy, Christine Kellenberger, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet
Molecular Microbiology 99:1099-1118 (2016)10.1111/mmi.13292
Laure Journet, E. Cascales
EcoSal Plus 7 (2016)10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0009-2015
Laureen Logger, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Marie Guérin, E. Cascales, Eric Durand
Journal of Molecular Biology 428:4424-4437 (2016)10.1016/j.jmb.2016.08.032
Rim Maouche, Hector L Burgos, Laetitia My, Julie Viala, Richard L Gourse, Emmanuelle Bouveret
Journal of Bacteriology 198:1857-67 (2016)10.1128/JB.00159-16
Thibault G Sana, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Kyler A Lugo, Lilian H Lam, Amanda Jacobson, Virginie Baylot, Eric Durand, Laure Journet, E. Cascales, Denise M Monack
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113:E5044-E5051 (2016)10.1073/pnas.1608858113
Maxence S Vincent, Eric Durand, E. Cascales
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 6 (2016)10.3389/fcimb.2016.00096
Abdelrahim Zoued, Eric Durand, Yannick R Brunet, Silvia Spinelli, Badreddine Douzi, Mathilde Guzzo, Nicolas Flaugnatti, Pierre Legrand, Laure Journet, Rémi Fronzes, Tam Mignot, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales
Nature 531:59-63 (2016)10.1038/nature17182
Abdelrahim Zoued, Chloé J Cassaro, Eric Durand, Badreddine Douzi, Alexandre España, Christian Cambillau, Laure Journet, E. Cascales
Journal of Molecular Biology 428:4413-4423 (2016)10.1016/j.jmb.2016.08.030
Yannick Brunet, Ahmad Khodr, Laureen Logger, Laurent Aussel, Tâm Mignot, Sylvie Rimsky, E. Cascales
Infection and Immunity 83:2738-2750 (2015)10.1128/IAI.00198-15
Yannick Brunet, Abdelrahim Zoued, Frédéric Boyer, Badreddine Douzi, E. Cascales
PLoS Genetics 11:e1005545 (2015)10.1371/journal.pgen.1005545
Eric Durand, van Son Nguyen, Abdelrahim Zoued, Laureen Logger, Gerard Pehau-Arnaudet, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Silvia Spinelli, Aline Desmyter, Benjamin Bardiaux, Annick Dujeancourt, Alain Roussel, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Rémi Fronzes
Nature 523:555-560 (2015)10.1038/nature14667
L My, N Ghandour Achkar, Julie Viala, Emmanuelle Bouveret
Journal of Bacteriology 197:1862-72 (2015)10.1128/JB.00064-15
van Son Nguyen, Laureen Logger, Silvia Spinelli, Aline Desmyter, Thi Thu Hang Le, Christine Kellenberger, Badreddine Douzi, Eric Durand, Alain Roussel, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau
PLoS ONE 10:1-14 (2015)
van Son Nguyen, Silvia Spinelli, Aline Desmyter, Thi Thu Hang Le, Christine Kellenberger, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau, Alain Roussel
Acta crystallographica Section F : Structural biology communications [2014-...] 71:266-271 (2015)10.1107/S2053230X15000709
Julien Stathopulos, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Alain Roussel, Philippe Leone
Acta crystallographica Section F : Structural biology communications [2014-...] 71:71-74 (2015)10.1107/S2053230X1402559X
Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Mark Thomas, E. Cascales
Virulence 1:535-540 (2014)10.4161/viru.1.6.13732
Yannick R Brunet, Jérôme Hénin, Hervé H. Celia, E. Cascales
EMBO Reports 15:315-21 (2014)10.1002/embr.201337936
Yannick Brunet, Jérôme Hénin, Hervé Celia, E. Cascales
EMBO Reports 15:315-321 (2014)10.1002/embr.201337936
Badreddine Douzi, Silvia Spinelli, Stéphanie Blangy, Alain Roussel, Eric Durand, Yannick R Brunet, E. Cascales, Christian Cambillau
PLoS ONE 9:e86918 (2014)10.1371/journal.pone.0086918
Eric Durand, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet
Trends Microbiol. 22:498-507 (2014)10.1016/j.tim.2014.06.004
Eric Durand, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales, Laure Journet
Trends in Microbiology 22:498-507 (2014)10.1016/j.tim.2014.06.004
Anouchka Fiévet, E. Cascales, Odile Valette, Alain Dolla, Corinne Aubert
PLoS ONE 9:e86507 (2014)10.1371/journal.pone.0086507
Erwan Gueguen, Norma M. Wills, John F. Atkins, E. Cascales
PLoS Genetics 10 (2014)10.1371/journal.pgen.1004869
Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick Brunet, Eric Durand, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Laureen Logger, Badreddine Douzi, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 1843:1664-1673 (2014)10.1016/j.bbamcr.2014.03.018
Abdelrahim Zoued, Yannick R Brunet, Eric Durand, Marie-Stéphanie Aschtgen, Laureen Logger, Badreddine Douzi, Laure Journet, Christian Cambillau, E. Cascales
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Yannick R Brunet, Leon Espinosa, Seddik Harchouni, Tam Mignot, E. Cascales
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